Category Archives: Social media

January 10

I want to quit Facebook. Will you still be my friend?

Can I really do it? Some people think I can. A lot of people think I should. Most people don’t believe I can or will…

January 30

Civic Engagement, The Interwebs, and The United States of Facebook

In 1995, Robert Putnam created a stir in academic circles for his essay (and later book) “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital.” If my memory of Sociology class serves me right, Putnam essentially claimed that the very vibrancy of America’s democracy was in decline, due in large part to the decline in social connectedness and […]

October 10


…writing. I suppose I don’t do so much of that these days, with all the typing, texting, facebooking, instagramming, and kindling I do.

April 13

Laugh Kills Lonesome

That shit is deep, man.

April 01

Love letters that weren’t

Old friends, old lovers, and the never-mets. It’s all very innocent until someone gets confused.

One Blog to Unite Them All - Vegan Bloggers Unite!

Mathew Lyons


Phenderson Djèlí Clark

The Musings of a Disgruntled Haradrim . . .

Amanda Petrusich

...and other fascinations

Hopeful Homies

Stay Hopeful, Homie


simplify your home, garden, lifestyle,DIY.

Kitt O’Malley

Bipolar Writer and Mental Health Advocate