Tag Archives: Blogging

June 02

Inspiration: In Search of, In Spite of

Just an uneasy feeling of “What do I have to say today?”

May 21

Why aren’t I blogging more?

I usually anchor my posts with an image. In fact, most of my posts are inspired by actual images, or something that an image embodies for me. But I haven’t posted in weeks. More than a month, even. And at least once a week since then, I’ve asked myself the question: Why aren’t I blogging? […]

January 17

Vacation’s Over

I’ve been hiding out from the real world for about a month or so. Everyone keeps asking me what I’ve been doing with my time. I almost don’t know what to answer.

April 24

I’ve been away. Too much nothing to do.

This is the point in most blogs where the author goes into this tragicomedy of circumstance and freak-of-natureness that the blogiverse is really fond of.

October 14

My blog, my self?

…what will [readers] think of me/my blog if I start focusing what it looks like rather than what it says?

April 13

No filter, no food.

Are those photos real? Or is it just trickery? Does everyone have a food stylist? Does everyone but me have a distressed farmhouse table and vintage white ceramic plates? I don’t know.

January 21

Rotting on the Inside, Part II

 See these gourds? Pretty, don’t you think? They’re quite possibly delicious. They’re even a bit decorative. The most remotely interesting thing about them is that they’ve been sitting on my kitchen table since my last blog post, 72 days ago. Such is the case with my stagnant blogging mojo. I don’t know why I’m having difficulty keeping […]

September 07

Secret Ingredients and Secret Identities

Is this blog about me lurking cowardly in the shadows of the interwebs?

April 15

It’s a Catas(apos)trophe!

The poor apostrophe, overworked and under-understood. Everywhere.

March 30

Outrospection and blog-founding

This outrospection is self-serving, and not all that brave. But, it fascinates me, this external instrospection.


One Blog to Unite Them All - Vegan Bloggers Unite!

Mathew Lyons


Phenderson Djèlí Clark

The Musings of a Disgruntled Haradrim . . .

Amanda Petrusich

...and other fascinations

Hopeful Homies

Stay Hopeful, Homie


simplify your home, garden, lifestyle,DIY.

Kitt O’Malley

Bipolar Writer and Mental Health Advocate