Category Archives: Self-realization

June 02

Inspiration: In Search of, In Spite of

Just an uneasy feeling of “What do I have to say today?”

May 06

I can’t be a ‘nice’ person; or why I need to return to blogging.

So, here’s to recapturing my impertinent, irreverent, and irascible youth.

October 20

Community Input Welcome

…let me know what you think. I welcome your input.

I mean it.

April 05

What’s next?


February 07

No job, no mojo. Eh. It’s a good thing.

How do I go from feeling lost to pancakes to hope?

October 16

Fun and games

The nature of want – is it to be sated? Or to drive effort to achieve it?

August 09

I am nothing without pretend

Everyone is audience to each other’s realities

June 09

Should I stay, or should I go?

Whether I’m ready or not, perhaps it’s time to say farewell to my most dysfunctional relationship…

February 24

Turtles are just tiny dinosaurs…

…and other things that floated to the surface during a migraine…

January 10

I want to quit Facebook. Will you still be my friend?

Can I really do it? Some people think I can. A lot of people think I should. Most people don’t believe I can or will…

October 14

My blog, my self?

…what will [readers] think of me/my blog if I start focusing what it looks like rather than what it says?

August 19

Everywhere I go, there I am

Do we secretly, or even unknowingly, surround ourselves with objects that remind us of ourselves? Is this a healthy ego signal? Or self-deprecating, cautionary symbology?

March 27

The Luckiest Girl In the World Can’t Can’t

All I know is it’s 2am, and I typed most of this blog with my eyes shut, blinded by tears, fingers shaking as my shoulders jerked with each croaking sob.

February 22

The mirror doesn’t lie.

Today, I believe in the mirror.

February 15

Fat Tuesday and the Lenten sacrifice

I can pretty much guarantee a glorious carnivorous kick-off to whatever Lenten diet I get suckered into.


One Blog to Unite Them All - Vegan Bloggers Unite!

Mathew Lyons


Phenderson Djèlí Clark

The Musings of a Disgruntled Haradrim . . .

Amanda Petrusich

...and other fascinations

Hopeful Homies

Stay Hopeful, Homie


simplify your home, garden, lifestyle,DIY.

Kitt O’Malley

Bipolar Writer and Mental Health Advocate